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Projekt in Bosnien und Herzegowina

Amila got her wheelchair

Dear friends,

we are so thankful to Jesus who opened doors for Amila, a girl who is handicapped and can’t walk at all. We have ask for donation for a new wheelchair and anatomical seat insert.

We got it from one dear family from Sweden a donation for Amila’s wheelchair and we are glad we can share that with you. We still need to buy anatomical seat insert that will help her while she is siting in this wheelchair.

Thanks for your prayers for this family. Remember, Admir (father of Amil) has lost his wife 2 years ago and also lost his job as a baker. Now they live of smal social help that is mostly not enough to cover normal life for both of them.

if you would like to donate for them, please visit our GIVE page.

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