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Bienenprojekt in Bosnien und Herzegowina



Due to the extremely poor economic situation in our city (according to some unofficial estimates, about 60% unemployment), as well as unemployment in our church community, Sylvia and Dario have started a beekeeping project.

Dear friends and partners, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

hope you have good beginning in this 2023. We pray that God will show in your midst and do mighty things for you, your families and your churches and ministries.

Church facility in Zenica

I haven’t updated you recently on our project about church facility since my mother passed away and we had a lot of things to do before she died and now after her death.

But we have reached first facility and it’s in our (church) hands now! I still have some things to do in order to finish paper work and also I’m negotiating for one piece of space that can be added to that space we bought. Hope to have answer on that soon and also on how much that can cost us.

But as soon as we get informations about that we will inform you and then we will start to raise funds for renovating that space.

More info soon!

North Balkan Foursquare meeting in Zenica

Our church will host North Balkan Foursquare gathering in Zenica from January 30th to February 2nd. It will be great time of praise and worship with brothers and sisters from Balkan area as well as with brothers and sisters from Europe and US. Please pray for us.

Christmas time and relationship with Jewish community

On Christmas days in 2022, we had great opportunity to share Christmas packages (Samaritian purse) with kids in Zenica and Sarajevo.

In past 18 years we have been involved in blessing Jewish kids so we did it this year too and made our relationship with Jewish community even stronger. Also we made agreement to hold another Jewish-Christian fellowship event in Sarajevo and to show love we have for each other. More about it as we get closer to that.

Media work

Since we started to appear on media 18 years ago, God was always finding new doors for us to share about our faith on TV or some other media. Even when we thought that doors are closed, new doors get opened for us.

Just few days ago I received a call from one organisation who produce some small programs for Voice of America and I spoke about religious freedom.

Praise God that each year he is opening new doors in this area.

Bee ministry

Bee ministry was on a hold due to winter time but also due to situation I had with my mother. But as we had pretty warm weather probably our season will start sooner and we will continue to do what we have started several years ago and also to use this Bee ministry for sharing a Gospel with people in city of Derventa.


If you would like to give for our ministry: Church facility and renovation, Bee ministry, our personal ministry/support or something else, please go to our page ( and find details how you can do that.

Thanks a lot for your faithfulness through all this years (some of you even decades). Without God on first place, but also your love, prayers and supports, this work in Zenica and Derventa wouldn’t be possible.

Grace, peace, love and blessings,

Pastor Dario Kapin

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